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St. Mary's Menston

Oxbridge and Medicine

"Students at St Mary's Menston Catholic Voluntary Academy in Menston are more likely to get into a top university than those at any other state school in Leeds."  

Leedslive.co.uk, 2019

St Mary's has a wealth of experience in supporting you with your application to Russell group university. 2022/23 saw the highest number of Oxbridge applications we have ever had, and if you look at our results table you will see where many of our top students went this year.  


Is Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Sciences appropriate for me?

Applying to study at Oxford or Cambridge, or for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Sciences can be very rewarding.   It requires top grades and a wealth of supra-curricular or work experience.   


The most important criteria for you are high examination scores, a demonstrable ability and interest in a field of study.  They will also take account aspects of home and school life and performance at interview.  You need to show a robust enough personality and work ethic to cope with very demanding courses.  


St Mary's Sixth Form can provide you with all of these things as evidenced by our high numbers of successful applicants.


Bespoke schedule

If you apply to Oxford or Cambridge courses, or to Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry, you have a bespoke schedule support. You will benefit from interview preparation and practise in school, and guidance sessions about enhanced reading or enriching experience in your chosen subjects.


  Date Support

Year 12



University research sessions including career options, entry requirements 


End of year examinations take place to evaluate current target grades

Open day visits

 May Support sessions on writing personal statements

Summer Holidays


We provide suggestions on what a challenging summer of reading and activities would be to support your applications

Year 13


Preparation for entry tests, review summer exam performance


Practice interviews with visiting experts, individual feedback and joint de-briefing sessions


Focussing on Success

Our able students who do not gain places still find the preparation helpful as it keeps them focussed on high grades, successful study strategies and very good research on possible courses and universities.