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St. Mary's Menston

Pupil Premium 

We believe that all pupils, regardless of their background and socio-economic status should have equal access to the curriculum to enable rapid and sustained progress. 

Mrs Collard, Assistant Headteacher

Pupil Premium is a Government grant of additional funding given to schools and academies, to enable them to support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and national ‘other’ pupils. It is used to raise attainment, promote social skills and independence in order to close this attainment gap. The grant is allocated to pupils who access free school meals, pupils who are, or have been, looked after by the Local Authority and pupils who have a parent in the Armed Forces. Ensuring the progress of our most disadvantaged groups of learners is a prominent part of our strategic plan.


Our belief is that the progress of all pupils, especially those from disadvantaged groups, is a whole school priority. This vision includes not only the curriculum areas but is fundamental to our ethos and our support structures.


How many students in school access Pupil Premium Funding?

How many students in school access Pupil Premium Funding:


Y7 - 18

Y8 - 23

Y9 - 17

Y10 - 21

Y11 – 15




How much funding do Pupil Premium pupils receive in 2023-24

The amounts awarded to students eligible for Pupil Premium varies according to their needs:

  • Pupils eligible for free school meals (or eligible in past 6 years): £1034 per pupil
  • Children looked after by the local Authority or other state care (CLA): £2530
  • Pupil Premium Plus – Pupils who have ever been looked after by the local authority or other state care (EIC) : £2,345 per pupil
  • Service children (SCE) : £335 per pupil

Where can I find out more information?

For more information regarding support for disadvantaged pupils and Pupil Premium Funding please contact Mrs Bird at school at s.bird@stmarysmenston.org

The full Pupil Premium strategy document can be found in the statutory information and policies section here.