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St. Mary's Menston

The 90s

1990s photo gallery - (234 photos)

In July 1991, the majority of the 4th form (Year 10) took part in the first Work Experience.

On 10 April 1992, Brahms' Requiem was performed by the St. Mary's choir and orchestra in St. Anne's Cathedral. Bishop Konstant attended.

In the academic year 1991–92 St. Mary's had the highest percentage of pupils with '5 or more higher GCSE grades' in Leeds. Our A-level results were the second highest average points score in Leeds.

In June 1993, the choir of St. Mary's appeared in  Black Daisies for the Bride, a BBC 2 television film written by Tony Harrison for National Alzheimer's Week, filmed in High Royds Hospital, Menston. Miss Murray led St. Mary's first Lourdes Pilgrimage with the Leeds Diocese in 1993. It won the Documentary Special Prize at the Prix Italia in 1994, and the best drama, Mental Health Media Awards in 199

In 1993 there were 990 pupils and 67 teachers.  

The Morning Offering, which was said every day during Form Times and Assemblies:

O Lord God Almighty,
You have brought us to the beginning of another day
Keep us while it lasts,
Under Your Protection
so that we may think, speak and act in accordance with Your Holy Will


On 16 July 1994 Paul Grogan, former pupil was ordained by Bishop Konstant in St. Anne's Cathedral. The reception took place at St. Mary's.

Headteacher Mr M Pyle took up his post on 1 September 1997. He would lead the school for 12 years.

During the academic year 1999–2000, the school community raised more than £10,000 for our school charities.