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St. Mary's Menston


Examination Information 2023/2024

26 June 2024 is the Contingency Date set by JCQ in the event of a national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom.  All students should remain available until this date.

Exam Policies

Access Arrangements Policy

Alternative Rooming Arrangements

Candidate Absence Policy

Candidate Identification Procedure

Candidate Late Arrival

Certificate Issue Procedure and Retention Policy

Complaints and Appeals Procedure

Conflict of Interest Policy

Emergency Evacuation Policy

Word Processor Policy

Special Consideration Policy

Overnight Supervision Policy

Non Examination Policy

Leaving the Examination Room Policy

Malpractice Policy

Managing Behaviour Policy

Lockdown Policy

Food and Drink Policy

Internal Appeals Procedure -Internal assessment

Internal Appeals Procedure - Reviews of Results and Appeals

 JCQ Information for Candidates

JCQ Calculator Guidance.pdf

JCQ-Preparing to sit your exams 2023_24.pdf

JCQ Written Exam Guidance.pdf

JCQ Warning to candidates.pdf

JCQ Unauthorised items.pdf

JCQ Social Media Guiance.pdf

JCQ Coursework Guidance.pdf

JCQ NEA Guidance.pdf

JCQ Privacy Notice.pdf

Candidate handbook.pdf

Exam Timetables

Year 11 PPE Exam Timetable_November 2023

GCE Timetable 2024 .pdfGCSE Timetable 2024 .pdf

Exam Results Dates

GCE Results Day 15 August 2024 .pdfGCSE Results Day 22 August 2024 .pdfCollection of exam results authorisation.pdf

Post-Results Information

The following document helps you decide what to do once you have received your examination results.  Our staff will be with you to advise you on the day and for many of you it will be a 'welcome back' before starting sixth form.

JCQ Guidance - Deciding what to do next

If you are considering requesting a review of your script, the fees are outlined in the document below.

Post results information and fees